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Additive Manufacturing Center



We offer
two proceedings

Wir bieten zwei Ver­fahren an


Selective Laser Melting


Directed Energy Deposition


DED hybrid

Selective Laser Melting
Additive manufacturing by selective laser melting (SLM) in the powder bed.

In selective laser melting, metal powder is deposited in a thin layer on a base plate and then remelted by laser radiation under inert gas.

A solid layer of material is formed. The base plate is then lowered by the amount of a layer thickness and powder is applied again.

max. X-axis 250 mm
max. Y-axis 250 mm
max. Z-axis 300 mm
Standard Laserpower 400 W
max. Workpiece weight 200 kg
  • Highly complex components with function integration
  • Internal, near-contour cooling channels
  • Weight reduction through grid and honeycomb structures
  • Simultaneous assembly of different workpieces
  • Shortened development times due to immediately available metal prototypes

DED hybrid

DED hybrid

Directed Energy Deposition

Additive manufacturing by Directed Energy Deposition (DED) with coaxial powder nozzle, combined with 5-axis milling and turning.

In the DED process, the metal powder is transported with inert gas through a nozzle, where it is melted by a laser and deposited sequentially.

In hybrid complete machining, the DED process is complemented by subsequent machining with milling and turning on the same machine.

max. X-axis 735 mm
max. Y-axis 650 mm
max. Z-axis 560 mm
Standard Laserpower 3.000 W
max. Workpiece weight 600 kg


  • 5-axis controlled powder buildup welding on complete machining centers enables completely new innovation
  • New component geometries through alternating generative and machining processes
  • Increased performance through material bonded composites (e.g. steel + copper)
  • Fast and cost-effective repair of existing components through hybrid manufacturing methods.
max. X-axis 735 mm
max. Y-axis 650 mm
max. Z-axis 560 mm
Standard Laserpower 3.000 W
max. Workpiece weight 600 kg


  • 5-axis controlled powder buildup welding on complete machining centers enables completely new innovation
  • New component geometries through alternating generative and machining processes
  • Increased performance through material bonded composites (e.g. steel + copper)
  • Fast and cost-effective repair of existing components through hybrid manufacturing methods.

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"High Performance - Precision - Reliability"

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Zetterer Präzision GmbH

Plant I
Venetianerstraße 6
91154 Roth

Plant II
Meckenloher Straße 9
91126 Rednitzhembach

Telephone: +49 (0)9171 83999-10
Contact Person:
Alexander Zetterer

Quality control
Telephone: +49 (0)9171 83999-26
Contact Person:
Markus Zucker

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